Next week is going to be great. We are going to have a great time preparing a role play on tv shows. In my opinion, that's going to be awesome!!!
You can choose the kind of programme that you prefer and do what you like, the main objective is to enjoy yourselves and speak in English!!! Before doing that, let's revise the types of tv programmes and films in English.

Now, I have introduced some videos to help you to see the different formats of tv programmes. The first one is from the news, and it is subtitled, so that you can focus on the expressions used:

What is it about?

Next one is also taken from the news, but there is an interview:

Now, an episode from a famous cartoons, ok, I'm not kidding, they are very easy to understand and they talk about next holidays!!!!

Next one belongs to a famous quizz show, I hope you like it:

Just to conclude, have fun and try to watch everything.


I know questions for answers are one of the most difficult thing you've learnt so far, mainly because you have to practise all the verbal tenses combiend with the wh elements and word order. This post can help you to practice because activities are sorted at different levels. 

Nevertheless, it is worth practising, even though I didn't find any page with explanations and activities to help you.
So, in the next paragraphs I have written some answers for you to practice, below, you will find the solutions.


1. My sister can speak seven languages
2.The vegetables are in the fridge
3. No, I don't. I prefer footbal
4.I'm 23 years old
5. I'm fine thank you
6. My best friend has got the coat in the wardrobe
7. My shoes are size 6

1. I live in Paris with my brother
2.The students come from Liverpool
3.Maria is coming around next weekend
4. She usually visits us once a week
5.I usually buy a lot of oranges

1. I bought three tickets to London
2. María learnt to swim last summer
3.Peter was doing the washing up when -I phoned him
4.Sarah brought three books from Liverpool

1. Who can speak seven languages? How many languages can your sister speak?
2. What is in the fridge? Where are the vegetables?
3.Do you like tennis?
4. How old are you?
5. How are you?
6. Where has your best friend got the coat?
7. What size are your shoes?
1. Who do you live with? Where do you live with your brother?
2. Where do the students come from?
3. Who is coming round next weekend? when is María coming around?
4, How often does she usually visit you? Who does she visit once a week?
5. How many oranges do you usually buy?
1. How many tickets did you buy?
2. When did she learn to swim? What did she learn last summer?
3 What was Peter doing when you phoned him? when did Peter do the washing up?
4. How many books did she bring? Where did she bring the books from?


What do you know about the world around us? Do you know about animals and geography? Can you compare some species?

Do the following quizz and find out!! 

As you have seen in the previous video, you can compare several elements and say one of them is superior to the rest. In order to do it, you have to use the comparative, superlative and AS...AS structures. 

Pay attention to the following pics, with a them you will learn about their structure and usage.  There are also some grammar tips

  • Comparing elements which are THE SAME (AS.... AS) (In Spanish tan... como). 



Halloween's Holidays are coming, that's why we have prepared some activities.
Fist of all, where does Halloween come from?
The following link  from THE HISTORY CHANNEL explains that:

-What was the old name for Halloween?
-WHen was it celebrated? Where are its origins?
-What did people leave at their doorsteps?
-What is "souling"?
-Who brought these traditins to US?

Some of the typical traditions are the famous TRICK OR TREAT, wearing scary costumes and Jack O'Lantern. As you can seen in the following video, there are some of the typical motifs that you will find these days. I hope you enjoy it. It was taken from a film by TIm Burton and it is subtitled.

Which scary monsters does it mention?Do you know the
meaning of the following words? Skeleton, ghost, graveyard, tombstone, haunted, witch, vampire, warewolf.
Here, you've got some extra-links with information about pumpkins and other interesting elemnts:


Ya quedan pocas horas para que os demos las notas, y vosotros, a punto de marchar, esperando las recompensas por el trabajo hecho, y solo pensando en las cenas, más que en las despedidas.

Con la mayoría de vosotros han sido dos años, y con algunos, tres, cuatro, o casi seis. De todos y cada uno podría contar un algo especial, que me hará recordarlo para siempre: una pregunta, una mirada, una sonrisa, un trabajo quizá, una redacción, un ejercicio oral, una ayuda a un compañero.

Este año se nos ha escapado entre los dedos, sin saberlo, sin darnos apenas cuenta, y me pregunto si hice algo o no, porque se hizo, con vuestra ayuda, tan corto y liviano. Pero basta ver los cuadernos, lo que sois capaces de hacer por vosotros mismos, para darme cuenta de que, efectivamente, hemos trabajado. A veces entre risas, a veces en silencio; interpretando role-plays imposibles, comunicándonos y dando opiniones improvisadas cada día (muchos días o hemos escrito apenas, y la hora se ha escapado hablando en inglés), hablando con Shana, escribiendo un artículo...

Y se me han quedado cosas en el tintero.... Cosas que no podré enseñar, y lo siento, porque fuisteis una audiencia excepcional, un público envidiable, unos clientes entrañables. Y siento que aprendísteis algo de la filosofía que os transmití: la comunicación, la manera de entender la gramática y de aprender a pensar.

Creo que no fallamos en la labor si por un momento os hice ser libres, críticos y responsables.
Creo que finalmente puedo y podré sentirnme orgullosa de todos vosotros, porque no ha habido barreras que os hayan parado, y tampoco las habrá.

Sed dueños de vuetros futuros, aprended todo lo que podáis, y si queréis, venid a contarlo. Aquí siempre tendréis alguien que os preste oídos. Ésta será siempre vuestra casa, mis clases, siempre serán un poco vuestras clases, y este blog, siempre será un espacio donde hablar y escuchar.
Séd felices.


Se acabó el curso para vostros y empieza un nuevo paso para vuestro futuro.
El viernes, un escalón más para convertiros en personas adultas, responsables, mayores.
Me hubiera gustado veros pletóricos, llenos de ilusión. Vosotras con vuestros magniíficos vestidos y tacones. Vosotros, con los trajes de chaqueta y las corbatas. Tod@s más altos y más guapos que yo.
Pero me quedaré con la imagen que habeis dejado ver en las redes sociales, plena de risas, poses y alegría. Dejaré para mi esa dulce melancolía, que siempre me quedará. Vosotors sereis mayores, pero yo siempre os recordaré pequeños, como el primer dia en el que os vi. Sencillos, pizpiretos, otros tímidos y callados. Con los cuadernos abiertos, los libros preparados. Los ojos al acecho, y el trabajo siempre listo en el momento.
Siempre sereis esos pequeños que revoloteaban a mi lado en el recreo en 1º, y que no se dejaban influir por nadie después; que sabían lo que querían y cómo conseguirlo. (Seguid así siempre). Los niños que me vieron dibujar con trsiteza el adiós del último día, y que hoy me ven desearles lo mejor, y que cumplan sus sueños.
Habrá médicos, abogados, directivos, empresarios, alguna maestra que otra, traductores, profesores tal vez, músicos y hasta algún filólogo.
Enhorabuena a todos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Siempre tendreis un hueco donde yo esté.