For this term we are going to do a new activity type: SHOW AND TELL

This is typical and you have known a lot about it through videos, cartoons, tv series and films.
You will have to bring something special to class, it can be whatever you like: an object, photo... I'm not going to give any ideas just to let you be as original as possible.
THe speech will contain the following aspects:

  • - Where did you get that (if you got that any time)
  • -  Why is it so special
  • - A short description including: shape, colour, material...
  • -  Some story or event related to this thing.

Here is a horrible exmaple of show and tell, only 25 seconds, and a bit ironic, go for it:

Next one, a classical, but a bit short indeed. TAke into account it's just a little boy speaking.

There are many explamples like that in YOUTUBE. Need your comments, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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